Q: What's TAT® good for?
A: In short, TAT has been shown to be effective for ending stress, especially traumatic stress; freeing a person of allergic reactions; gaining self-confidence and a positive outlook on life; and attaining empowerment.
Q: Will I re-live my trauma and feel pain again with TAT®?
A: It has been our experience that you may very occasionally feel an intensifying of feeling, but it usually lasts for only 10-15 seconds.
Q: How many times do I have to do a session on one trauma?A: It has been our experience that generally one session is all you need. Sometimes related events will come to mind and then you would do TAT about those, but the original trauma you worked on clears and the stress is easily gone.
Q: Are there any side effects from doing TAT®?
A: Occasionally you may feel tired after doing TAT. A good night's sleep will take care of it. Also, remember to drink plenty of water after doing TAT and limit your time in the pose to 20 minutes a day. TAT moves a lot of energy and doing these things will help facilitate the clearing process while maintaining your vibrancy.
Q: Is it normal to sigh when something clears?
A: Yes, although this doesn't happen for everyone and that's normal too.
Q: After a few seconds in the pose, my mind begins to wander. What does that mean?A: It means you're done with that step.
Q: Do I have to be a trained professional to do TAT® on myself? A: No, anyone can do TAT on themselves.
Q: How will I know if TAT® has worked?
A: When you do TAT to clear up a belief, you may not be able to sense an immediate change. You may only notice the change when life presents a situation and you respond differently than before you did TAT.
You are more likely to notice a change when you do TAT to heal a situation or trauma that is currently causing you stress. In this situation, you may feel a sense of immediate relaxation, inner peace and empowerment upon completion of TAT. In some cases, you may feel no change and will have to wait and how you behave and feel according to the life situations that occur. Eventually, life will present you with an event, and you will look back and be amazed that you have responded in a more healthy, empowered way than before you did TAT.
TAT Life International:
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