January 17, 2012


Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture. ~Kak Sri
Gratitude is the memory of the heart. ~Jean Baptiste Massieu
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

When you are in a sincere state of gratitude your energy (vibrational resonance) is one of acceptance and harmony. You resonate and as a result project a much higher vibrational frequency which is exactly what attracts to you the events, conditions, and circumstances that you desire.

Make Gentle Reminders
When you notice yourself grumbling about a negative event or stressor in your life, try to think of 4 or 5 related things for which you are grateful. For example, when feeling stressed at work, try to think about several things that you like about your job. You can do the same with relationship stress, financial stress, or other daily hassles. The more you gently remind yourself of the positives, the more easily a shift toward gratitude can occur.

Be Careful With Comparisons
Many people cause themselves unnecessary stress by making comparisons. More specifically, they cause themselves stress by making the wrong comparisons. They compare themselves only to those who have more, do more, or are in some way closer to their ideals, and allow themselves to feel inferior instead of inspired. In cultivating gratitude, you have one of two options if you find yourself making such comparisons: You can either choose to compare yourself to people who have less than you (which reminds you how truly rich and lucky you are), or you can feel gratitude for having people in your life who can inspire you. Either road can lead away from stress and envy, and closer to feelings of gratitude.

Keep a Gratitude Journal
One of the best ways to cultivate gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal. Not only are you combining the benefits of journaling with the active adoption of a more positive mindset, you are left with a nice catalog of happy memories and a long list of things in your life for which you are grateful. (This can be wonderful to read during times when it’s more difficult to remember what these things are.) Keeping a gratitude journal is simple; see this gratitude journal article for ideas on different ways to maintain one.

Because habits are usually formed within two or three weeks, you will have to actively focus on maintaining gratitude less and less as you go, and the habit of a more positive (and less stress-inducing) attitude will be more automatic. And greater feelings of emotional well-being can be yours.

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Free wellness profiles

HostGator promo codes

April 27, 2011

Supportive Weight Loss, Free Wellness Profiles & Coaching

If you want to lose weight... you're not alone... billions of people around the globe are wanting the same thing!
They want to lose weight, have more energy, for better health, and to look and feel your best.

There are many reasons why some of you are ready to go for it...and there are many different reasons to want to be healthier:

1) Health is a big one! Perhaps you just feel a need to be healthier or perhaps the doctor has told you that you must be healthier.

2) Energy

3) Spiritual or Peace of mind

4) Looks
OK so this isn't necessarily the best reason, but if it starts you on the path to health, then great! We'll take it right? Besides if it helps you feel better, then you feel better and you are more healthy.

5) Doing it for someone else. Again, if it leads you to being more healthy and doing it for yourself, great.

6) For your business

7) Other reasons
Any other reasons you can think of!

Are you ready to go for your health goals and reach them? Get support here... It really helps to have a health coach, someone who can lend an ear, give support, monitor what you're doing or not doing.

If you are ready... I will respond with a free in person wellness profile. If you are out of LA, we can do a telephone or email profile.

Free ongoing coaching and mentoring for those really ready to respond, ready for support and a supportive program and ready to reach their health goals. That could be you!

818-754-2556 voicemail

What is Reflexology?

Professional Reflexology for private sessions - office and in home as well as for events: http://www.yourholistichealthcare.com/reflexology.html


Effective pressure is applied to the hands, feet and outer ears
by the nurturing hands of the Reflexologist. It is a safe, simple,
and effective method, and the client is fully clothed.

Reflexology deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in
the feet, hands and ears, which correspond to all the glands, organs
and parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly may help
many health problems in a natural way, a type of preventative maintenance.


Breaking down of congestion and blockages
Relaxation of nerves
Relaxation of blood vessels
More nutrients and oxygen to cells
Better cell function
Healthier Skin
Encouragement of body's self healing
Helps flush the body of toxins
General feeling of relaxation and wellbeing
Soothing caring touch
Stress management
May relieve discomfort, aches, and pains
Better mobility
Increased clarity and focus




June 26, 2010

Looking For Love in the Wrong Places

A great blog entry by a great person!

Looking For Love In All The Wrong The Wrong Places
April 9th, 2009
by Mitchell Dahood, M.A. ·
Filed Under: Self Love http://www.thechampionsheart.com/blog

At this time of year it seems we hear and see a lot of ideas of what the “ideal” loving relationship is supposed to be. While it is certainly not my intention to rain on any one’s parade, I do want to offer a few friendly/compassionate reminders. First ask yourself, how many people or couples do you know that are in a truly loving and joy filled relationship?

Most of us if we are lucky perhaps know one, and even then how can we be sure that the face they show in public is truly representative of what goes on behind closed doors.

I believe the reason that there are so many less than joyful loving relationships in the world is that most of us never learned, or perhaps have forgotten one key ingredient to any successful relationship. Before you can truly love another, you have to love yourself first. I know you have probably heard this before, but what have you done about it? I know society would like us to believe that loving ourselves is selfish, self centered, maybe even egotistical.

But let me ask you another question. How has not loving yourself benefited your relationships? How has not loving yourself, and other people not loving themselves benefited relationships around the world. The undeniable truth is it hasn’t, and it is time to do something about it.

Below I have outlined some simple steps to get you going on the path toward loving your self in such a way that ultimately will open up the space inside of yourself to be able to experience the love with another person you have been searching for so long.

1. Stop looking outside of yourself to fulfill your need for love. Start looking within. Start becoming aware of the things you love, admire and respect about yourself. And if you think that there isn’t anything about you worthy of love admiration and respect, remember that you are a child of God.

As a child of God you were created in a perfect way with gifts uniquely your own. If you have yet to discover those gifts yet, then simply start to be aware. By being aware you will start to notice that certain things that you do have a positive impact on others. Acknowledge and appreciate those things.

2. Take Yourself on a date. I am not kidding about this. Come up with a list of at least ten things that you absolutely love or would love to do. This will become your joy list. Pick one thing from your list each week and commit to doing it. This is time just for you, cherish it, guard it, respect it.

3. Stop surrounding yourself with things that are negative. Whether it be people, the news on TV, on the radio, or in the newspapers, simply stop exposing yourself to that negative in put. It is difficult to feel loving toward yourself, let alone someone else when you are being bombarded by negativity.

4. Reinforce the positive. Come up with at least three positive statements/affirmations about yourself. Be sure they are worded in the present tense as if you were experiencing them right now. for example:

I give and receive love easily and gracefully.

Say these statements in the morning and in the evening, and any time that you become aware of negative thoughts coming up in your mind.

5. Laugh Every Day. Stop taking yourself and life so seriously. find a reason or something that makes you laugh; a movie, a book, a joke, something, anything. Just laugh.

Yes everyone has challenges in there life, and I am not suggesting to stick your head in the sand and pretend they don’t exist. However focusing on them will cause them to appear larger than they are, and attract more of the same.

I can positively guarantee you that if you really committed to doing the five simple steps above, it wouldn’t be that long before you became aware that you are more than capable of fulfilling your need for love, happiness and joy in your life.

Now just imagine yourself approaching love with another person from that place. Do you think your relationships would be different if you weren’t looking to, or rather expecting the other person to fulfill those needs for you?

If you’re in a great and loving relationship already, then count your blessings and be grateful.. If not, I have outlined some steps to empower you to make a positive change in your life. Yes it will be uncomfortable at first, and you will probably feel silly doing what I have suggested. But how silly will feel if you choose to do nothing, and you are in exactly the same place at this time next year?

Mitchell Dahood

June 25, 2010


This exercise is best done on a natural, uneven surface. A park, forest or beach is perfect. Try to find a place and time when there is relative quiet or at least little traffic or construction noise. Before you begin your walk, stand still. Close your eyes. Take in the sounds around you. Be aware of your balance. Don't try to stand in any particular way; just let your skeleton and your muscles hold you comfortably. Allow your arms to fall down by your side and let your head sink onto your chest.

Try to be aware of nothing external except the sounds that come to you. Attempt to identify each sound: is it high or low, shrill or mellow, pleasing or grating. Each sound repeats in a different rhythm. Despite the apparent randomness of natural sound there is, in fact, an underlying order to it. There is a pattern in the way birds repeat their calls and echo each other. There is an underlying cadence in the sound of a brook, a waterfall or the waves on a beach.

You are now ready to begin. Unlike an aerobic walk, this is a slow, ordinary series of steps based on awareness of your feet as they touch the ground. Notice the variation in the ground: subtle changes in the level you walk over, in the texture of the surface, in the way your feet roll over stones or roots. Awareness comes as you notice more and more differences in the same path. You can walk in a circle or in a line. You can go over the same stretch of ground many times or you can walk for about five minutes before turning back. Your eyes should be lowered to the ground, just a few steps ahead.

While walking, give attention to the contact of each foot as it touches the surface. When other things arise in your mind, simply notice what took your attention and gently return your focus to your walking. Towards the end of the meditation, ask yourself what differences you feel in your body and the way you walk from when you started and from when you last did this. Try this for 20 minutes daily or even every few days. It can result in a deep awareness.


June 15, 2010

Start Your Day Right #2

Use Your Quiet Time Effectively

Here are four things that you can do during that quiet time in the morning:

Number one is to review your plans for accomplishing your
goals and change your plans if necessary.

Number two is think of better ways to accomplish your goals. As an exercise, assume that the way you're going about it is totally
wrong and imagine going about it totally differently. What would
you do different from what you're doing right now?

Number three, reflect on the valuable lessons that you have learned and are learning as you move toward your goals.

Practice Daily Visualization
Number four, calmly visualize your goal as a reality. Close your
eyes, relax, smile, and see your goal as though it were already a
reality. Rewrite your major goals everyday in the present tense.
Rewrite them as though they already existed. Write "I earn X
dollars." "I have a net worth of X." "I weigh a certain number of
pounds." This exercise of writing and rewriting your goals everyday is one of the most powerful you will ever learn.

Change your mind, change your life!

Please feel free to ask me questions

Mitta Vicki Wise

June 13, 2010

Start Your Day Right #1

Watch your thoughts!
Thoughts are energy. You become what you think about most of the time.
Remember... like attracts like and the most important part of each day is what you think about at the beginning of that day.

1) Start Your Day Right

Take 30 minutes each morning to sit quietly and to reflect on your goals. You'll find when you read the biographies and
autobiographies of successful men and women that almost every one of them began their upward trajectory to success when they begin getting up early in the morning and spending time with themselves.

2) Feed your mind with positive ideas.

The first hour sets the tone for the day.
The things that you do in the first hour prepare your mind
and set you up for the entire day. During the first thirty to sixty minutes, take time to think and review your plans for the future.

July 26, 2009

Reflexology School

If you are looking for a place to study Reflexology there is a wonderful well known school right here in West Los Angeles.
Want to learn integrated foot, hand and ear Reflexology? This school teaches an indepth course.
Want to look at Reflexology charts, research, books, articles, enewsletters, schedule, more about who they are? Visit their site.

Bill Flocco, the director has developed a great professional course and has seen thousands go through his door. Lisa Chan now co teaches and brings something special to the work. I trained here and attest to the professionalism, teaching methods and dedication to the profession.

The American Academy of Reflexology (AAR) began in 1982 as an alternative option where anyone interested in better health or in a career in Reflexology could study the Integration of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology. The AAR was the first Reflexology school in Los Angeles and the world, to not only teach the many advantages of Integrating Foot Hand Ear Reflexology into the same Reflexology session, but also to offer an in-depth extended full professional certification course in the Integration of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology.


April 22, 2009

STOP SMOKING NOW - It's your time

There are so many reasons to stop smoking!
Your health, others health, save money, spirituality, motivation, belonging, acceptance etc.

Health is usually at the top:
No matter how old you are or how long you've smoked, quitting can help you live longer and be healthier. People who stop smoking before age 50 cut their risk of dying in the next 15 years in half compared with those who keep smoking and ex-smokers enjoy a much better quality of life.

Saving money especially during these times:
Smoking is expensive. It isn't hard to figure out how much you spend on smoking: multiply how much money you spend on tobacco every day by 365 (days per year). The amount may surprise you. Now multiply that by the number of years you have been using tobacco and that amount will probably shock you.

I have a wonderful program that supports you through this journey and hypnosis is a wonderful tool.
You just need to take the first step and commit to the process. I'll help you..

Even if you have tried several times before.. that's been preparation for the NOW.

NOW is the time... YOUR time.


*Also have stop smoking referral gifts

December 24, 2008

Part 2: What Happens in a Hypnotherapy Session

Once we have done the introduction, history, explanations and exercises, I have a wonderful comfortable chair in my office and you’ll be able to sit in it and just relax.
There will be a guided relaxation exercise to relax the body and another one to help relax the mind. These feel great and everyone really enjoys them.
Once relaxed, we use deepening, visualization (seeing in the mind’s eye or imagining), guided imagery and positive suggestion as well as other techniques to help you go deeper, and see and feel in a way that relates to what you came in for..
Nurturing, positive and goal oriented suggestions are given.
I'll teach you some self hypnosis, and then I gently help you wake up, and we talk about the session. I'll remind you to use self hypnosis regularly before our next session, so that you can more rapidly and consistently reach your goal/s.

You leave the office feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to go!


August 28, 2008

Part 1: What Happens in a Hypnotherapy Session?

What happens in a hypnotherapy session?
Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy introduction process

I’ve first talked to you by phone or in person to see what you are coming in for and we have already talked about price, time etc.

When you arrive at my office I welcome you and give you some paperwork to fill out which basically consists of an intake form with your contact information and a few questions to help me know you a little better.

We sit together to talk a little more in depth about what you want , what you expect out of the session, your goals, and anything that you think is stopping you from reaching them.
I’ll ask you if you have experienced hypnosis before and how it was for you. I might ask you for words that you like or that you respond well to.
If necessary I’ll give you a brief synopsis about how hypnosis works and how it can help you..
And I might ask you how nutrition and exercise are managed in your life.

Then we will go through a short easy exercise to see how your suggestibility is today (it can change)
This might be having you imagine in your mind’s eye an object like a balloon rising and seeing how you respond to it. Something very simple with no right or wrong response.

See next blog for Part 2 of What happens in a hypnotherapy session?


August 23, 2008

Tips for Better Sleep

If you are having difficulty sleeping here are some tips:

  • Remove TV from bedroom, use bedroom only for sleeping.
  • Avoid alcohol at bedtime
  • Avoid sugar before bedtime, reduce in diet
  • Avoid nicotine before bedtime
  • Avoid caffeine before bedtime
  • Avoid exercising before bedtime
  • Make sure you are getting all the daily vitamins and minerals you need
  • Get regular exercise weekly
  • Do a simple stress relaxation exercise at bedtime
  • Make sure you drink enough plain water during the day
  • Avoid watching violent or negative things on TV right at bedtime.
  • Do a self hypnosis exercise or listen to self hypnosis CD/tape.
  • Regular Health practitioner/MD visit to rule out anything else that may be keeping you awake.
  • Try to finish what you can of unfinished tasks during the day before you retire and then do a simple letting go exercise.
  • Make sure the temperature in your room is adequate for you so you won't be awakened or kept awake by heat or cold.
  • If noise is a problem or you suspect a problem try using ear plugs.
Nutrition Tips:

Did you know sleep problems can be produced by an imbalance within your diet?
Foods that may affect sleep:

Alcohol, coffee, tea, sugar and colas.

Drink plenty of water during the day to flush toxins from your body. Do not drink liquids 2 hours prior to going to bed to avoid having to go to the bathroom at night.

Protein eaten by itself can keep you awake due to amino acids that stimulate your brain functions.

Spicy foods can stimulate your body systems and keep you awake all night. Avoid spicy foods after 6pm.

Greasy and Fatty foods: Most people feel tired after eating a heavy meal....but for a good sleep eating those kinds of foods is not recommended. They can slow you down temporarily, but also can cause gas and indigestion, which in itself can inhibit your sleep.

It's best not to eat right before bedtime but if you must snack here are some tips:

Fruit or Yogurt
Cheese and crackers
Cottage cheese

Have a good sleep!



Blog Flux Directory

August 21, 2008

Sleep Like A Baby Naturally

"Oh sleep it is a gentle thing beloved from pole to pole."


Sleep deprivation has measurable negative effects on performance and physical and mental health. If you haven't had a good night's sleep, you're likely to pay for it. The price may be high: Reduced energy, greater difficulty concentrating, diminished mood, and greater risk for accidents, including fall-asleep crashes. Work performance and relationships can suffer too. And pain may be intensified by the physical and mental consequences of lack of sleep.

There is no question that your health is affected by a lack of sleep. It is a chicken and egg syndrome. A number of conditions may influence or coexist with insomnia; which include psychiatric or medical disorders, as well as life events such as menopause and trauma.

Although the jury is still out as to the primary reason we need sleep the following things are scientifically proven:

• Lack of sleep affects the immune system, brain and body systems.

• Sleep gives the body a chance to repair muscles and other tissues, replace aging or dead cells, and secret chemicals important to the immune system.

• Sleep gives the brain a chance to organize and archive memories.

• Dreams are thought by some to be part of this process. When the brain is tired, it secretes a hormone, which alerts the organism that it has been burning up its energy reserves and needs to shut down for a while.

• Sleep lowers our energy consumption, so we need three meals a day rather that four or five. Since we can't do anything in the dark anyway, we might as well turn off and save the energy

With a good night's sleep, everything looks and feels better in the morning. Both the brain and the body are refreshed and ready for a new day. You’ll be more patient with your family, friends and co-workers!

See the next blog for sleep tips!

Your Holistic Health Care

August 19, 2008

Tapas Acupressure Technique® (TAT®) Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What's TAT® good for?

A: In short, TAT has been shown to be effective for ending stress, especially traumatic stress; freeing a person of allergic reactions; gaining self-confidence and a positive outlook on life; and attaining empowerment.

Q: Will I re-live my trauma and feel pain again with TAT®?

A: It has been our experience that you may very occasionally feel an intensifying of feeling, but it usually lasts for only 10-15 seconds.

Q: How many times do I have to do a session on one trauma?

A: It has been our experience that generally one session is all you need. Sometimes related events will come to mind and then you would do TAT about those, but the original trauma you worked on clears and the stress is easily gone.

Q: Are there any side effects from doing TAT®?

A: Occasionally you may feel tired after doing TAT. A good night's sleep will take care of it. Also, remember to drink plenty of water after doing TAT and limit your time in the pose to 20 minutes a day. TAT moves a lot of energy and doing these things will help facilitate the clearing process while maintaining your vibrancy.

Q: Is it normal to sigh when something clears?

A: Yes, although this doesn't happen for everyone and that's normal too.

Q: After a few seconds in the pose, my mind begins to wander. What does that mean?

A: It means you're done with that step.

Q: Do I have to be a trained professional to do TAT® on myself?

A: No, anyone can do TAT on themselves.

Q: How will I know if TAT® has worked?

A: When you do TAT to clear up a belief, you may not be able to sense an immediate change. You may only notice the change when life presents a situation and you respond differently than before you did TAT.

You are more likely to notice a change when you do TAT to heal a situation or trauma that is currently causing you stress. In this situation, you may feel a sense of immediate relaxation, inner peace and empowerment upon completion of TAT. In some cases, you may feel no change and will have to wait and how you behave and feel according to the life situations that occur. Eventually, life will present you with an event, and you will look back and be amazed that you have responded in a more healthy, empowered way than before you did TAT.

TAT Life International:


August 18, 2008

Tapas Acupressure Technique® (TAT®)

The Tapas Acupressure Technique
® (TAT®), is a leading-edge healing technique to end stress, create vibrant good health and live a happy life starting right now.

It is an easy-to-learn, easy-to-do process based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and yoga. It allows your natural healing energy to gently and powerfully heal stress, traumas, and negative beliefs without re-living anything. The trouble dissolves, and you are left in a state of greater energy, personal empowerment and inner peace.

TAT® can help you:

  • Let go of the past and eliminate beliefs that keep you from achieving what you want and deserve in life
  • Eradicate fears and phobias at their source
  • Heal the emotional aspects of physical illnesses
  • Stop the inner negative chatter that keeps you from creating the life you want
  • Lose weight and keep it off
TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) has been shown to be an easy way to attain inner peace, relaxation, more vibrant health and empowerment. It is a combination of placing your attention on whatever the issue is and touching a few specific acupuncture points on your face and at the back of your head — that’s it!

Founded by Tapas Fleming, Acupuncturist

TAT International

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Technorati Profile

Benefits of Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for creating major positive life-changes:
Gain insight into present difficulties and past events
Gain confidence
Set goals and move into action
Move more easily through major life transitions
Discover the negative beliefs that affect your present decisions and actions
Create new beliefs that reflect the true inner self
Increase creativity and clarity of thought
Deepen intuition and inner peace
Reduce day-to-day anxiety, tension, and stress
Strengthen the immune system
Increase self-esteem and optimism about life
Acquire a greater perspective and larger vision of life purpose
Embrace life as an enriching opportunity to learn
Reduce physical illness and unlock inner potential, creating mind-body healing
Improve relationships
Heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
Integrate mind, body, and spirit
Help with phobias
Pain Management
Talent Enhancement

Your Holistic Health Care

Add to Technorati Favorites

August 17, 2008

What is Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy/Self-hypnosis?

Here is a brief overview for you..

A state of intense concentration combined with total relaxation.
Age old natural and nurturing process of relaxation, focus, suggestion, visualization and other techniques. All we have learnt is stored in the subconscious mind which is accessed through hypnosis. It is about your own control of yourself, your mind and body and not at all about coming under the control of another person. A hypnotherapist is there as a guide for using this tool and, as with any profession, having a good rapport with your practitioner is important.

Almost all children use self-hypnosis in imaginative play. Your practitioner will teach you self-hypnosis skills to take home so you can take charge of your health program. Self-hypnosis is an easy technique to help enhance the quality of your life and can be done in as little as 5 minutes or up to 30 minutes repeated in your daily routine. Repetition works well with the subconscious mind to reform habits, fears and emotions.

Your Holistic Health Care

August 16, 2008


Which parts of the body do you work on?
Normally, in my regular sessions in my office, I work on an integrated system of feet, hands and outer ears as these all contain reflex maps that correspond to different parts of the body.
At events, I work on the feet (hands as an option)

How does it differ from foot massage?

All modalities and techniques given with the right intention and expertise are helpful. Reflexology differs from foot massage in that it uses specific touch techniques—thumb rolling, holding, finger rolling, etc on specific reflex areas on the hands, feet and outer ears, that correspond to different parts of the body. Therefore it’s like a body balance as well.

Is it better before or after working out?
Either one is fine, whatever suits you best
Done before, it helps relax, limber and stretch the joints before the exercise.
Done after gives you a great relaxation, ready for the day or evening.
I have wipes that I use on the feet of each person.

Can I have a session if I am pregnant?
Yes. But you must notify the Reflexologist that you are pregnant, or trying to get pregnant and they will adjust their session. Always consult with your medical practitioner first.

Should I mention any problems on the area that’s being worked on?
Yes, please. I will also ask you if you have any problems in that area.

If the Reflexologist is working too softly or too firmly should I speak up?
Yes, please! I will be checking in on you to see if it works for you. This should be an enjoyable relaxing experience, for those that want that. Some people are more sensitive than others and require a lighter touch. Others like it firmer and like to feel like I’m working on the areas that need it.
You can help by letting me know as we go along if there are any tender areas and whether you want me to ease up on that area or spend extra time there. You are in control!

Is it safe and clean?
Yes, I use hand sanitizer, between each person, paper towels, and clean the feet with wipes before the session.
With my training and your input, together reflexology is a safe, effective tool that feels sooooooooooo good!

What training do you have?
I am trained and certified with the American Academy of Reflexology right here in LA!
By the way, if you are interested in learning reflexology, they have a wonderful 2 weekend beginning training on the hands, feet and ears. They are well recommended.

American Academy of Reflexology


August 15, 2008

What is Reflexology?


Effective pressure is applied to the hands, feet and outer ears
by the nurturing hands of the Reflexologist. It is a safe, simple,
and effective method, and the client is fully clothed.

Reflexology deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in
the feet, hands and ears, which correspond to all the glands, organs
and parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly may help
many health problems in a natural way, a type of preventative maintenance.


Breaking down of congestion and blockages
Relaxation of nerves
Relaxation of blood vessels
More nutrients and oxygen to cells
Better cell function
Healthier Skin
Encouragement of body's self healing
Helps flush the body of toxins
General feeling of relaxation and wellbeing
Soothing caring touch
Stress management
May relieve discomfort, aches, and pains
Better mobility
Increased clarity and focus



July 30, 2008


I'm a Holistic Health practitioner in Los Angeles offering professional Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, and TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique)

The Deepest Relaxation is a stress management technique combining reflexology with a wonderful relaxing stress relief guided journey.

This blog will give information on alternative health, healthy living, reflexology, hypnotherapy, TAT, and tips for managing stress.