August 17, 2008

What is Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy/Self-hypnosis?

Here is a brief overview for you..

A state of intense concentration combined with total relaxation.
Age old natural and nurturing process of relaxation, focus, suggestion, visualization and other techniques. All we have learnt is stored in the subconscious mind which is accessed through hypnosis. It is about your own control of yourself, your mind and body and not at all about coming under the control of another person. A hypnotherapist is there as a guide for using this tool and, as with any profession, having a good rapport with your practitioner is important.

Almost all children use self-hypnosis in imaginative play. Your practitioner will teach you self-hypnosis skills to take home so you can take charge of your health program. Self-hypnosis is an easy technique to help enhance the quality of your life and can be done in as little as 5 minutes or up to 30 minutes repeated in your daily routine. Repetition works well with the subconscious mind to reform habits, fears and emotions.

Your Holistic Health Care

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